Autobiographical Game


I struggled with this much more than I thought I would I ended up having to change my game in order to finish it. Creating a platformer taught me to think of my collisions a little differently. I need to make my colisions predictive instead of checking if my objects were currently colliding. This could make things get stuck and make the game break. I want to continue exploring making choices within the game but decided to change it to be more futile. The game plays the same while allowing the player to experience the choice making.

Project Proposal

Main Character: A person on a computer (me)

Setting: Game take place entirely on a computer in a web browser

Game launches directly on the computer screen. No start screen

Computer browser is currently displaying an email page

Notable Emails
Design MFA ad email //Remember to sign up for the LSAT email //Various Job applications (from min wage service to set designer positions)

Player navigates through email, launching a small mini game to complete task of email

Art match game //Logic puzzle //Forms to fill (no gamified)

After the first game, in -game clock will display that no other application can be completed.

After a fade to the next week, based on email choice and game score, players will get a success email or failure email.